السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2010

Enjoy your time .....

1  I try to enjoy anything I do.
2 I'm always optimistic person.
3 I think success always successful
4 Do not waste time on regret my failure
5 trying to find new ways to save time every day
6 wake up at dawn every day and go to sleep early.
7 address the food lightly so as not to tend to the drowsiness in the afternoon.
8 was browsing through books for ideas.
9 re-examined in Adhati old to see if I can get rid of them or updated.
10 has been abolished forever all the time I spend in waiting, and what I had to wait, I take it this time so I am planning a gift or do anything I did not find time to do it
11 oldest watch up to three minutes to get to my itinerary early.
12 I bring with me only to make a note of the observations and ideas.
13 reviewed the list of my goals every day life, and identify activities that could be to do it every day to accelerate the achievement of these goals.
M advice
14 I put signs in my office reminds me of Bohdavi
15 I am always planning for the first thing I do in the morning. And put my priorities for things that I'm going on this day.
16 I keep a list of specific things that I'm going to accomplishing every day and order them according to Ooloulitha, then do what in pursuit of that most important of these things done as quickly as possible.
17 I give myself a holiday, and rewarding, especially when important things done.
18 I'm doing the most important things first.
19 I am working actively and vitality.
20 completely stop any activity that is a product as soon as possible.
21 focus on only one thing at a time.
22 I focus my efforts on issues that will have better results in the long term run.
23 I feel a strong push and determination when I feel I will win.
24 Most of my thinking to be codified on paper
25 I am working on my own creative work in the morning, while afternoons Vo_khassa for interviews as it needed.
26 I set a specific time for the completion of tasks, either for myself or for others.

27 I try to Otsnt interest in each discussion.
28 I try not to waste the time of others (unless it does not really inspire me)
29 I rely on specialists to solve the problems of special nature.
30 relieve much of the accumulation of leaves, and the phase-I which I can get rid of it.
31 deal with any piece of paper once.
M advice
Type in the codes for most of the letters on scraps of paper.
33 I arrange my office well, and make him fit to work and put things in place in my office.
34 devote a space for all things so as not to waste time searching for them.
35 After I try not to work when I was working to complete the end of the week.
36 I am relaxed and not to any thing sometimes.
37 small underestimate of the talks during work or study.
38 always ask myself: What is the best way to use my time now?

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. مبروك علي البلوج يا فنان وفي انتظار كل ما هو جديد في عالم الكاركتير من الشخصيات والاحداث الساخة في مصر المحروسة والعالم وياريت تتوقع لينا الاحداث الجارية كما فعلتهاااا في كاركتير الكاتب الصحفي الكبير ابراهيم عيسي وبعدها تمت اقالته :(((

  2. الاسكندرانى الجميل عمرو جلال
    شكرا على تعليقك اللطيف

    أما بالنسبة للتوقع واللى حصل لابراهيم عيسى
    ياريت مايتكررش طالما بتعود بالسوء على الأفاضل
